Yesterday was a fantastic day at SLW!
Here’s a quick recap:
:: Dads – We took a few moments to celebrate dads. In honor of our dads, we’re sponsoring a backpack as part of the Lakeview District Backpack Program which facilitates nutritious meals for underserved children right in our own community. SLW has the opportunity to help provide backpacks for over 30 children in the new school year.
:: Oasis – Nate shared about last week’s first gathering in Meadville as Oasis which included two baptisms! Go God! If you haven’t already signed up to be a prayer partner and to learn more about what God is up to in Meadville through Oasis, connect with him here.
If you’re a part of SLW, you can support both Oasis and the Backpack Program by giving through our Glocal Outreach missions focus–both are missional partnerships we’re excited to be part of.
SUMMER SPORTS XTREME begins tonight. It’s not too late to register the kiddos (potty trained 3yo – 6th grade) for this free sports camp facilitated by qualified coaches and includes some interaction with professional athletes. Check out for more info!

original image: Vyacheslav Argenberg on Flickr
We stepped into chapters 3-5 of Joshua before pausing in The Book of Joshua for our summer series, here are some highlights from that message:
:: What does it look like to live–in the midst of our impossible, impassible, unnavigable situations–as those ready for God to do the miraculous? (Joshua 3:5)
:: God is the God who goes 3,000 feet ahead of His people, showing the way, overcoming the most powerful obstacles, and subjugating things to Himself. (cf. Joshua 5:1)
:: Following Jesus means we can stop thinking like slaves and rebellious wanderers…and start living as people of the promise. (cf. Joshua 5:9-12)
What would you do in the overwhelming situations you face if you were certain God is going before you, that He is more powerful than the most significant obstacles you face, and that He is FOR you?
The podcast will be available soon, you can check it out by heading to SLW’s podcast site at