This post is part of a series celebrating some of the incredible ways God has shown his favor in planting The Bridge. You can read the first post here.

image: Sarah Gomez
“Family Fun Day” was the high-water mark of our summer ministry season in 2010. If you read yesterday’s post, you saw some of the cool ways God made a way where there was no way in securing a location at the right time.
But one of the most exciting aspects of the day was seeing how churches from across our district partnered together to see incredible things take place. Here’s an excerpt from an article I wrote earlier about the day:
…during The Bridge’s summer outreach event, a free “Family Fun Day,” held at the end of August when ten of the District’s 28 churches helped provide over 100 volunteers, funding, food, and other supplies which made the day a great success. The Bridge had 425 present at the event, providing open doors of opportunity to develop significant relationships with many in the community; had it not been for the deep partnership of these district churches, the day would not have been possible.
We may never fully know the impact of the selfless giving of people, time, and finances the churches of the WPA District lavished on Pittsburgh, but as the nature of this partnership grows, one thing is for sure: greater things are already here and will continue to be seen in the eternal difference being made in homes, families, and communities.

image: Sarah Gomez
Our partner churches were selfless: they gave financially, gifted material, brought supplies, and invested energy. Their people prayed, provided, and participated in an unprecedented way. Through this army of volunteers, hundreds of people were impacted in a way The Bridge could not have effected by herself. God moved in hearts, individuals, and churches as an incredible expression of his favor on Pittsburgh!