One of the great privileges I have already enjoyed in life is being involved in church planting, most recently as co-planter of The Bridge. Though my family and I are transitioning into a new season and place of ministry, church planting will remain an important part of how we serve the Kingdom of Christ.
I am especially glad to serve in a district within The Wesleyan Church that places such priority on church planting–not because it’s a hot new fad, but because they passionately want to see people come to know the hope and life of Jesus.
We recently posted the above photo (you can download the .pdf version here) at — it’s a different way of looking at the church planting process within The Wesleyan Church and serves as a good reminder that seeing new churches come to fruition is a continuous journey and an adventure.
I jumped into the adventure of church planting in part because a good friend helped me see that this just might be part of God’s design for my life (more on that some other time), and he helped me take my first steps down the path described above.
Is God speaking to your heart about walking this path as a church planter? Maybe you need to step foot on the path and see if God confirms this as part of your journey. If you’d like more information about what that means here in Western PA, check us out at