Archives For Jeremiah Gómez


June 9, 2014 — Leave a comment


image: “13” by Evan Blaser on Flick

Moses saw that though the bush was on fire, it did not burn up. So Moses thought, I will go over and see this strange sight—why the bush does not burn up. – Exodus 3:3, NIV

How many of us have yearned for a ‘burning bush’ moment? An instance where it seems the God of Heaven has gone out of his way to grab our attention and adjust the trajectory of our lives?

Moses’s story is one of journey that always seems to take longer than it should to get the intended destination. I like that about his story because mine (and yours, too) seems to have the same theme. And in those moments where the journey seems destination-less we long for the kind of intervention Moses experienced at the bush 2/3 of the way through his life.

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June 5, 2014 — Leave a comment

CSpringsWhat if God could provide an opportunity for you to spend several days in an environment solely focused on helping you discern some of how God has wired you? A place where qualified people interact with and observe in order to speak into your life?

These opportunities regularly occur for those who think God might be leading them to lead in planting a new church.

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June 3, 2014 — 2 Comments

photoLast Friday, Sarah and I spent the day celebrating a moment almost eight years in the making. Fun times with an attorney, piles of paperwork, several hours of travel for–and time in–interviews, and submission to process culminated that morning as Sarah took an oath to became a naturalized citizen of the United States.

Sarah submitted to a process for which I sponsored her—as a citizen-in-watiing, she needed an existing citizen to promise two things:

  • Provision: I had to attest that I could provide for Sarah and our household without relying on government assistance. Every time our address changed, the government wanted to confirm where I resided so they could be sure appropriate provision would be available to Sarah.
  • Relationship: Sarah’s basis for permanent residency and citizenship has been that she is my wife. We had to provide evidence of genuine relationship; having offspring helped, but what sealed the deal was a joint checking account.

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Note to self

May 31, 2014 — Leave a comment

On my thirty-second birthday, I thought of some things that my future self might tell me on this day. These are the things I’d like my life to reflect during the next 32 years and beyond.


  1. You’re not that important.
  2. Pray. Be passionate and persistent…especially when you don’t feel like it.
  3. Celebrate often. It’s too tempting to press on to the next thing, the next day, the next marker. Take time to celebrate with those you love; this is where memories are made.
  4. Eat your greens. Seriously, they’re delicious.
  5. Brush your teeth. This is especially important after eating your greens.
  6. Take the long view. Reacting in the moment to the moment is seldom the best move.
  7. Give more than you take…especially when it comes to those who you work and live with.
  8. Be quiet.
  9. Your critics are not your enemies.
  10. People are stronger than you think. Sometimes they need someone to help expand awareness of their capacity.
  11. Ask great questions.
  12. Fear is a bad reason to make big decisions.
  13. Just because you have a thought, that doesn’t mean you should express it.
  14. Failure doesn’t have to be fatal.
  15. The most frustrating reactions people will have to your thoughts and ideas are often founded in their fear of change…or your lack of ability to communicate. Learn to navigate these.
  16. Create space to be alone. You need it.
  17. Give two people permission to tell you what they really think and what you really need to hear. This should include your wife and someone who has nothing riding on your reaction.
  18. Seek out different perspectives. Find people more tactical and relational than you. Engage those with more experience and those with none.
  19. Do not sacrifice your family for the sake of your job. It should be the other way around.
  20. Words are powerful. Don’t be a jerk with them.
  21. What your kids see in you they will repeat.
  22. Don’t be so hard on yourself (see number 1).
  23. Your wife chooses you every day. Don’t ever make her regret that choice.
  24. It’s the little things that are often the most valuable. Be faithful in them.
  25. The relationship you’ll have with your kids tomorrow depends on what you invest in them today.
  26. You are positioned to be more generous with your time, energy, and money than you think you are.
  27. Tell those you love that you love them. Often.
  28. Tell your real-life heroes why they’re your heroes while you have opportunity to do so. Be specific.
  29. Choose optimism. You’ll live happier. Also: make friends with realists—you’re going to need them.
  30. Go on adventures. Work trips don’t count.
  31. There’s always more to learn.
  32. You haven’t had your best ideas or experiences yet.

“…Be strong, act like a man, and observe what the Lord your God requires.”

1 Kings 2:2b-3a