Image: Timothy Cox
A few days ago, we shared with you jus a few of the ways we have seen that the Holy Spirit is undeniably at work in Pittsburgh (I still can’t believe we get to be part of what he’s doing here!). We also shared our very real need for individuals, groups, and churches to support us as missionaries here. Yesterday we sent out a few ways you can help make sure we’re funded, and we genuinely thank you for prayerfully considering how God might use you to help us live and minister in Pittsburgh.
We are committed to the work we’re doing in Pittsburgh, and I am in the process of finding outside employment. That’s where this final installment of the “Help Jeremiah and Sarah with Funding” JourneyNote miniseries comes in:
With church planting is my primary vocation, a ‘second job’ in order to make ends meet needs to be one of a much more flexible nature than traditional employment. Given my experience as a writer, copywriter & editor, as well as with some design work, we are looking for opportunities to use this skill-set to serve people and businesses who may know what they want to say but not quite how to say it. If you know someone in need of a skilled (ghost)writer with marketing and branding experience, please send them our way (we’ll be updating jxgomez.com as a point of contact for this). Keep in mind, I am also available to speak at churches, camps, and other meetings…and would be happy to furnish samples and references for the afore-mentioned services. By using the gifts of communication & preaching that God has blessed me with, and hopefully some creative time management, we expect to find ourselves more active and fulfilled than ever!
Again, here’s the contact information for sending support (make sure ‘Gomez” is in the memo line!):
The Bridge
℅ 264 Shawvlle Hwy
Woodland, PA 16881
We thank God for you and the part you’re playing in His story for Pittsburgh.